

Sal 14:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. Ho an' ny mpiventy hira. Nataon' i Davida. Ny adala manao anakampo hoe: tsy misy Andriamanitra. Manao izay ratsy sy vetaveta izy; tsy misy manao ny tsara. Ny adala manao anakam-po hoe: Tsy misy Andriamanitra! Efa simba izy ireo; asa mahamenatra no ataony; tsy misy manao ny tsara na dia iray aza. Du maître de chant. De David. L' insensé a dit en son coeur "Non, plus de Dieu!" Corrompues, abominables leurs actions; non, plus d' honnête homme.
Sal 14:2 The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. Eny an-danitra Jehovah miondrika mijery ny zanak' olombelona, mba hizaha na misy hendry mitady an' Andriamanitra. Iaveh mitsinjo ny zanak' olombelona eny amin' ny lanitra ambony eny, mba hahita raha misy olon-kendry anankiray, olona iray mitady an' Andriamanitra. Des cieux Yahvé se penche vers les fils d' Adam, pour voir s' il en est un de sensé, un qui cherche Dieu.
Sal 14:3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one. Samy efa nivily izy rehetra ka tonga vetaveta avokoa; tsy misy manao ny tsara, na dia iray akory aza. Efa nania izy rehetra, efa niara-nihasimba toetra avokoa; tsy misy manao ny tsara na dia iray aza, na dia iray monja aza. Tous ils sont dévoyés, ensemble pervertis. Non, il n' est plus d' honnête homme, non, plus un seul.
Sal 14:4 Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge? who eat up my people as they eat bread, and call not upon the Lord. Tsy mahalala va ny mpanao ratsy rehetra, izay mihinana ny oloko toy ny fihinan-kanina, ary Jehovah tsy antsoiny? Tsy manam-pahalalana va izy rehetra ireo izay manao ny ratsy? Mihinana ny vahoakako, toy ny fihinan-kanina tsy miantso an' ny Tompo izy ireo. Ne savent-ils, tous les malfaisants? Ils mangent mon peuple, voilà le pain qu' ils mangent, ils n' invoquent pas Yahvé.
Sal 14:5 There were they in great fear: for God is in the generation of the righteous. Indreo, matahotra dia matahotra izy, satria Andriamanitra no eo amin' ny taranaka marina. Ho tera-kovitra tampoka azon' ny fivadiham-po izy, fa eo afovoan' ny taranaka marina Andriamanitra. Là, ils seront frappés d' effroi sans cause d' effroi, car Dieu est pour la race du juste
Sal 14:6 Ye have shamed the counsel of the poor, because the Lord is his refuge. Na dia foananareo aza ny fisainan' ny ory, Jehovah kosa no arony. Tadiavinareo hokorokoroina ny hevitra kasain' ny ory. Nefa Andriamanitra no arony. vous bafouez la révolte du pauvre, mais Yahvé est son abri.
Sal 14:7 Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion! when the Lord bringeth back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad. Enga anie ka hivoaka avy ao Ziona ny famonjena ny Isiraely! Raha ampodin' i Jehovah avy amin' ny fahababoana ny olony, dia ho faly Jakoba, ary ho ravoravo Isiraely. Endrey! Hivoaka avy any Siona anie ny famonjena an' Israely. Rahefa hampodin' ny Tompo ireo nentin-ko babo amin' ny vahoakany, dia ho faly Jakoba ary ho ravo Israely! Qui donnera de Sion le salut d' Israël? Lorsque Yahvé ramènera son peuple, allégresse à Jacob et joie pour Israël!
