Teny iditra Generic Tree Flora of Madagascar
Sokajin-teny anarana (lohatenin' boky)
Fanonta printy 2005. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew & Missouri Botanical Garden.
Ambainy: 17cm. Haavony: 24cm. Takila: xii, 477.
Copyright The Board of Trustees, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Fanoritsoritana practical field manual for the identification of the 500 genera of native and naturalized Malagasy trees. Identification keys emphasize vegetative and gross morphological features, and nearly all genera are illustrated by line drawings. All genera are provided with full descriptions, distribution information, key characteristics, up-to-date taxonomic references, and over 3,000 Malagasy vernacular names.
Tsanganana sy sary iray takila Ny lohateny rehetra

Nohavaozina tamin' ny 2020/07/31